Lets Make Our World A Kinder Place

Starting With Our Kids.


Today I want to share a heart-breaking -- and *hopefully* kindness-inspiring -- story

Today I want to share a heart-breaking -- and *hopefully* kindness-inspiring -- story

Today I want to share a heart-breaking -- and *hopefully* kindness-inspiring -- story. On March 29, 2015, an explosion destroyed a pizza parlor and a number of residential units in New York. One of the residents is Amanda Lankford, my sister's dear friend, who remains in critical care in an induced coma with 30% of her body burned -- fighting for [...] Read more

What If Your Children Were Left Without Parents?

On January 22, 2011, a dear friend lost her life in an accident along with her husband leaving behind their two small children. As time passed, I was haunted most by a single question: If this happened to me, how would my children ever know what we hoped for their future? The reality of the accident was horrifying, and inevitably, compelled me to [...] Read more