Lets Make Our World A Kinder Place

Starting With Our Kids.


Do the poor give more?

This video is eye-opening - and a must-watch! Even thought it's only a few minutes long - it will stay with you for a long, long time - it's that powerful.

Spoiler Alert: The video shows how the poor give more - even though they have less to give. Perhaps it has to do with how the poor can truly empathize with others who are in need. Curious why you think this might be.

3 minutes that will change the way you think

If you can watch this video with your children -- I did with mine.  One thing we noticed in this video was how much happier the economically challenged folks in the video immediately appeared when they chose to help others. You could truly feel the joy they experienced from this heartfelt soul connection which comes from sharing.

Let's teach our kids to want to share and give to others.  Watch the video with a special kid in your life - and share a potentially life-shifting conversation!

With Love & Kindness,



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