Lets Make Our World A Kinder Place

Starting With Our Kids.


What’s the best response to your child’s bad behavior?

What’s the best response to your child’s bad behavior?  We all want our kids to be kind and good! So how do we inspire them to want this for themselves?

If you want to know, then you’ll want to read this AMAZZZZING article – with lots of fascinating research on how to motivate your kids to want to be good – even when you’re not around! It’s a must read! I personally loved the research studies on the difference between shame vs guilt! Plus, the research studies all about the power of what you as a parent do vs what you as a parent say! Love to hear what in this essay you find the most helpful and interesting!

NYTimes: Raising a Moral Child

Oh – and when you’re done gobbling up all this awesome research, please share your thoughts in the comment stream below! And feel free to share your personal stories of what’s worked for you – when it comes to inspiring your kids to be kind and good!

Love, Marni

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